Thursday, January 5, 2012

No Orchestra for the second semester

Hi all,

As you already know, Mr. Hsieh needs to practise with the Secondary Department students for their musical show and since Elementary can not form an effective music group by its own we will start practising again next year !

My warmest wishes,
Ms. Faye

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Upcoming performance of HIS Orchestra: December 15th.

Hi everyone,

Please make sure you are going wisely the mid-semester brake and study for Orchestra.
Our Christmas Performance is on December 15th, Thursday evening.
You will be given on this Tuesday (October 25th) new score for a `Xmas medley.
Please, find below the list of the scores we will perform at Xmas:

  • Air
  • Autumn (Vivaldi)
  • Sugar Plum Fairy Dance
  • Phantom of the Opera
  • Star Wars
  • Christmas Medley
Enjoy some pictures of you while performing:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New score!

HIS Orchestra would like to thank Henry's parents for donating to the HIS Orchestra the complete orchestral score of Phantom of the Opera.

As you may realise, we have a lot of work to do till our Christmas performance... so start studying hard!!!

Here are some photos of you (to make you smile!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cancelation of Tuesday's rehearsal !

Dear all,

On Tuesday, September 20th we will have to cancel our rehearsal  due to an unexpected and serious health problem of one of my family's member.
Please come and see me for further details.
On Thursday, the rehearsal will be held normally.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Music scores for Christmas Performance

Please check if you have the following music parts for your instrument. 
If not, check with me and I'll give them to you:

Sugar Plum Fairy
Autumn, Vivaldi
Pirates of Caribbean - full score
Pink Panther
Star Wars

Please, suggest  to me music pieces you would like to perform  and I will do my best to find the scores :) !

Results for audition semester1, 2011 - 2012

The students below have earned a position in Orchestra.
Please, remember that you need to come every Tuesday and Thursday, starting this Thursday September 15th,  to rehearse at the Orchestra - Studio room at B1.
You need to practise at home too, so please buy a special binder for Orchestra to keep safe all the scores I will give you.
Being a member of HIS Orchestra is being a responsible musician.
We are going to have a lot of performances, starting from  Christmas  so you need to be prepared and you can not quit your position unless there is a serious reason to do so.

Jenny Yang (grade 6) - flute
Sharon (grade 4) - flute  - modified score - trial period 
Tatsuya (grade 4) - percussionist - glockenspiel

Please, if you see your name at the list below, come and see me for a call back:

Bryan (grade 5) cello
Jonathan (grade 4) violin

 A special bravo to all the other students who participated in the audition.
Please, keep practising and  do try again  at our next audition which will be held next semester.

Special thanks to Leo (grade 4), to Shawn (grade 4) , to Yehna (grade 4) , to Alex (grade 4)
and to Anita (grade 5).

Monday, September 12, 2011

Orchestra rehearsals for Elementary Department

Orchestra for Elementary Department starts this Tuesday, September 13th.

Please remember that this week, we are not going to rehearse till 16:15.
Tuesday and Thursday we finish at 15:50.

Please make sure you have informed your parents to come earlier to pick you up or arrange your taxis.
For those who take the school bus, please check with the office before you come for rehearsal.

We will start practising on new scores for the Christmas Performance and rehearsing on old ones.

See you at the Orchestra Room with your instruments!